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        MIRA\VIEW [ifb] [/CAL] [/GAINS] [/PHASES [phaseId] [irec]] [/SIGNAL [idu
                     [/MAP] [/PIXEL ipix] [/TRACES [trackLimits]] [/XPOL ipart]
                     [/ZOOM] [/DEROTATOR [frameAngle]] [/OTF]

    VIEW is MIRA's command for plotting the data of frontend-backend
    combination number ifb (default is 1). Alternatively, VIEW ifb1 ifb2
    concatenates bands ifb1 and ifb2 for plotting (for option /SIGNAL only), and
    VIEW ifb1 TO ifb2 concatenates all bands from ifb1 to ifb2.

    The item to be plotted is specified
    by one of the following options. Otherwise, the following defaults are
    provided: VIEW /CAL for chopper-wheel calibrations, VIEW /PHASES for all
    uncalibrated data, VIEW /SIGNAL for calibrated data (at least off
    subtracted) from a single position, respectively VIEW /MAP for OTF maps.

    For calibrations only. Plots the counts from the loads (sky, ambient,
    cold, respectively) versus time (for continuum backends. For spectral line
    backends, plots the subscan average of the dumps from the corresponding
    loads versus frequency. Calibration and weather parameters are also displaye
    (for HERA data only if option /PIXEL is used).

    Plots the gainarray currently in use. For spectrometers only.

    Plots a pseudo-map (data values versus velocity and record number) for
    calibrated OTF data.

    VIEW /PHASES [phaseId] [irec]
    Plots the uncalibrated data against time (for continuum backends)
    respectively frequency and record number (for spectrometers), using
    phase phaseId (according to the observing procedure viewed, it defaults to O
    SKY, or FHI). By default, the scan average of all phases iphase in shown,
    otherwise record number irec.

    For on-offs with continuum backends, the mean flux and its estimated error a
    displayed (for HERA data please select a pixel). For continuum data taken
    with the beam switch, phase1-phase2 is plotted, where the leading phase1 is
    given by phaseId. For one of phaseId = 1, 2, ..., nphases, only the total
    power for the corresponding phase is shown.

    VIEW /PIXEL ipix
    By default, VIEW shows data for all HERA pixels. If you want to visualize
    only one pixel (e.g. together with option /ZOOM, see below), please use this

    VIEW /DEROTATOR [frameAngle]
    Plots HERA's derotator angle for the Nasmyth reference system, for the last
    scan read in. If frameAngle is not specified, the current position angle of
    HERa is used.

    VIEW /SIGNAL [idump]
    Plots calibrated data, as time series (for continuum drifts) respectively
    spectra (for spectrometers). For OTF maps, record number idump can be
    specified to plot a single spectrum.

    VIEW /TRACES [trackLimits]
    A tool to visualize the antenna speed and fast trace values. The plot
    distinguishes between the trace values, and their interpolation at the
    backend record time (used for further data processing). Optionally,
    parameter trackLimits [arc sec] can be used to narrow the plot limits for th
    tracking errors.

    VIEW [ipart] /XPOL
    Allows to plot the amplitude and phase of the cross correlation of
    orthogonally polarized receivers, as measured by a calibGrid procedure
    (only for VESPA data in XPOL mode). If the Stokes parameters of several
    spectral lines are simulteaneously measured, ipart sets the VESPA part
    (defaults to 1). In order to retrieve the amplitude and phase, please
    perform first a calibration.

    Plots and calls the interactive cursor to define a region for a zoom. Use
    the cursor to define the lower left and upper right corner (order does not

    Displays a layout of points on the sky sampled by the OTF maps in the curren
    index list generated with FIND (latitude offset vs. longitude offset).

Gildas manager 2024-04-19