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        [SIC\]SAY Arg1 Arg2 [... ArgN] /FORMAT fmt1 fmt2 [...fmtn]

    where fmt1 applies to Arg1, and so on. The format used is a Fortran for-
    mat (so it may be slightly machine-dependent). Use formats like a10, i2,
    f5.2, and so on. For example:
        SIC> say '2*pi' /format F4.2
    Be careful that each argument must be separated by blanks (see "Multiple
    arguments" vs "Concatenated arguments" in the main HELP SAY).

    Formatting a scalar variable:
        Note also that the /FORMAT context, SAY is able to format a variable
        without a pre-evaluation by Sic. For example:
            SIC> say pi
            SIC> say 'pi'
            SIC> say pi /format F4.2
            SIC> say 'pi' /format F4.2
        1) In the first case, SAY considers  unquoted  arguments  as  simple
           strings to be displayed "as is".
        2) In the second case, using single-quotes, Sic translates the vari-
           able contents to a text representation which is then given to SAY
           (SAY  is  not  aware  that  a floating point variable is involved
        3) In the third case, a floating point format is requested: this  is
           an indication to SAY that the argument must be a numeric variable
           which has to be converted in a specific way. Here SAY knows it is
           dealing with a variable.
        4)  And  finally, the last form should be avoided! The single-quotes
           are a request to Sic to translate the variable to a string  using
           its best format (same as second case). Then this string is passed
           to SAY. As the /FORMAT option is present, SAY  re-interprets  the
           ASCII  string into a floating-point value, and then this value is
           finally formatted to its final representation.  In  other  words,
           the  following  sequence  occured:  read variable name -> get its
           floating-point value -> format as ASCII string -> read as  float-
           ing-point  value -> format as ASCII string. There are two useless
           steps, even if the result is correct as Sic avoids precision loss
           when representing numeric values.

    Formatting an array variable:
        If  the  argument is an array variable, the associated format is ap-
        plied repeatedly to all its individual values:
            SIC> define real a[4]
            SIC> let a 1.2 3.4 5.6 7.8
            SIC> say a /format f6.2
              1.20  3.40  5.60  7.80
            SIC> say a /format 4(f6.2)  ! Equivalent
              1.20  3.40  5.60  7.80
        Note however that the format can be used  to  display  array  values
        grouped per line, e.g.
            SIC> say a /format 2(f6.2)  ! Group 2 values per line
              1.20  3.40
              5.60  7.80

    Mixture  of  explicit  values,  evaluated expressions, scalar, and array
            SIC> define integer n
            SIC> let n 4
            SIC> define integer id[n]
            SIC> let id[i] i
            SIC> say "My interferometer has " n " antennas numbered" -
            SIC-? id " providing " 'n*(n-1)/2' " baselines." -
            SIC-? /format a i0 a i3 a i0 a
            My interferometer has 4 antennas numbered  1  2  3  4 providing 6 ba

Gildas manager 2024-04-19