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        [SIC\]COMPUTE  OutVar  HISTOGRAM InVar [Hmin] [Hmax] [/BLANKING Bval

    Put in variable OutVar (dimension [n,2]) the histogram of values of  n-D
    variable  InVar,  eventually  between  the  cuts Hmin and Hmax, and with
    blanking values Bval and Eval (that is, values of the  Invar  array  are
    not  taken in account for the histogram if at Eval from Bval). These pa-
    rameters can be absent. One can use '*' to omit any of them.

    The number of bins is dictated by the first dimension of the array  Out-
    Var. In the absence of said cuts, the cuts used are the maximum and min-
    imum values of the InVar array. The OutVar variable  contains  the  his-
    togram  in  its first column (OutVar[1]) and the corresponding bin value
    in the second column (OutVar[2]).

Gildas manager 2024-04-16